Video: Donahoe Says Postal Service Needs 5-Day Delivery

“U.S. Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe talks about a proposal to cut 220,000 jobs and allow the post office to reduce delivery from six to five days a week. He speaks with Lisa Murphy on Bloomberg Television’s “Fast Forward.” (Source: Bloomberg) [youtube][/youtube]

Video: Rights Of Postal Workers Under Attack

“The U. S. Postal Service is facing financial problems that was created largely by Congress. Now Congress wants to strip Postal Workers of their Union rights. MSNBC Ed Schultz talks with Cliff Guffey, President of the American Postal Workers Union on what’s being done to protect postal workers.” “How much do you know about the […]

Video: PRC Vice Chairman Mark Acton Talks About Future of the Postal Service

From C-SPAN| Washington Journal | August 6, 2011 – Mark Acton, Postal Regulatory Commission Vice Chairman “Mark Acton talked about how the postal service decides which offices to close, when the closures are expected, how much the postal service is losing in revenue, the possible elimination of Saturday service and what all this means for […]

APWU Rejects Issa’s Call to Cancel Ad Campaign

The APWU has rejected a call from Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) to cancel a union-sponsored television ad that has been airing on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News. “The APWU stands by the ad, which dispels the myth that the USPS is funded by taxpayers,” APWU President Cliff Guffey wrote on July 15 [PDF]. APWU’s TV […]

Video: Issa-The Sanctity Of Unions Must Be Respected

Darrell Issa was very supportive of unions just a short time ago. Now Issa and Florida Freshman Congressman Dennis Ross have lodged an all-out “perceived” war against the Postal Service and postal workers. Both Issa and Ross are aided by the Tea Partyers, who have launched an online petition to support Postal Reform. The United […]

CNBC Host: Let FedEx Absorb USPS – PMG: Let USPS Absorb Them

 “PMG Pat Donahoe appeared recently on “The Kudlow Report,” to represent the Postal Service’s position on the need for congressional action to address the USPS requirement to pre-fund retiree health benefits, frequency of delivery and allow the Postal Service to access overpayments to the Civil Service Retirement System and Federal Employees Retirement System. Donahoe explains […]