APWU Issues Clarification On Types Of NRP Grievances Held Pending Outcome At National Level

Director of Industrial Relations Mike Morris has clarified the types of local- and regional-level grievances regarding the National Reassessment Process (NRP) that should be held in abeyance pending the outcome of Step 4 disputes at the national level. In a Dec. 16, 2010, memo [PDF] to APWU regional coordinators and national business agents, Morris outlined […]

Some Postal Managers Refusing To Accept USPS, APWU Freeze On Excessing Agreement

USPS Management Message Confirms Excessing Moratorium From: Mike Morris, APWU “APWU Union officials in locales where managers are balking at implementing the moratorium on excessing that was announced on Dec. 15 will be pleased to see al message from a headquarters-level manager notifying Area-level officials of the agreement. ” Subject: Excessing Moratorium Brothers and Sisters: […]

APWU Encourages Members to Use DOL Forms For FMLA Leave Requests

The APWU is encouraging members to use Department of Labor forms when requesting Family & Medical Leave, while the union pursues a dispute with the Postal Service over employees’ right to use APWU forms or other equivalent documentation. In a Dec. 17, 2010, memo [PDF] to local, state, and national union officers, Mike Morris, director […]

APWU Urges House To Extend ‘Tax Holiday’ To CSRS Employees

APWU President Cliff Guffey has sent a letter to members of the House of Representatives urging them to extend a proposed 2 percent “payroll tax holiday” to postal workers and other federal employees who are covered by the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). Congress is currently considering a 2 percent payroll tax cut for postal […]

APWU,USPS Announce Freeze on Excessing While Contract Talks Continue

The APWU and the Postal Service have agreed to a freeze on excessing while contract negotiations continue, union President Cliff Guffey has announced. “Throughout the bargaining process, the APWU has sought to negotiate a contract that would protect jobs and lessen the pain of excessing for our members. We are pursuing those goals,” he said. […]

APWU: Recent Washington Post Editorial Riddled With Inaccuracies

The Washington Post: Wrong Again! A recent Washington Post editorial is so riddled with inaccuracies that it’s hard to know where to begin to refute them. But one thing is clear: The message — and the not-so-coincidental timing of its publication — is that the anti-union newspaper wants Congress to tilt the scale against workers […]

It’s Not a Bailout: APWU Blasts Deficit Commission Proposals

APWU President Cliff Guffey is urging the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, also known as the Deficit Commission, to reject recommendations in its Dec. 1 report [PDF] regarding the Postal Service, which he said were based on inaccuracies. “The most troubling example of these inaccuracies is the use of the word ‘bailout’ to […]

Postal Letter Carriers and Mail Handlers Get Wage Increase

The last general wage increase under the 2006 National Agreement for the National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) and the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) became effective on November 20, 2010. NPMHU represented employees will receive a 1.2% increase. NALC represented employees will see a 1.85% raise in their  paychecks. Both raises will be […]

Former APWU National Officer Found Guilty For Theft Of Union Funds

Former APWU Southern RegionCoodinator was a candidate in the recent National Elections Thirteen false hotel receipts submitted for travel reimbursement (HOUSTON) – After less than half an hour of deliberation, a federal jury has convicted a former postal union officer for submitting false travel receipts seeking and obtaining more than $10,000 in union funds in […]

U.S. Postal Service Labor Negotiations Fact Sheet

Overview * The Postal Reorganization Act authorizes collective bargaining on wages and working conditions, generally under laws applying to private industry. As the Postal Service is an essential service to the nation’s economy, Congress mandated that employees represented by unions cannot strike. Impasses in collective bargaining negotiations may ultimately be resolved through arbitration. Current Operating […]