APWU: Guffey Defends USPS Viability, Tentative Contract Agreement on CNBC

In a televised discussion of the financial challenges facing the USPS, APWU President Cliff Guffey defended the union’s Tentative Agreement for a new contract with the Postal Service and reminded viewers the nation’s mail system “is the backbone of a multi-trillion dollar business in this country.“ Guffey appeared in an interview today on CNBC’s “Squawk […]

Editorial: One Reason To Vote NO On APWU Tentative Agreement

By Dan Sullivan, APWU retired, Southwest Michigan Area Local   There are plenty of reasons for union members to vote in favor of the tentative agreement between the American Postal Workers Union and the Postal Service. You can find most of those reasons on the general comment and editorial pages of 21cpw.com and in the […]

APWU National Officers Say ‘Vote YES!’ On Tentative Agreement

The APWU National Executive Board voted unanimously last week to approve the union’s Tentative Agreement with the Postal Service, and in a video for APWU members, officers working at the organization’s Washington DC headquarters urged members to ‘Vote YES!’ The NEB vote was conducted via a telephone poll. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o14I0tdxBFc[/youtube]

USPS Implements Safety Measures at ISCs To Protect Postal Employees from Radiation

In light of the recent nuclear events in Japan, the Postal Service has implemented safety measures at International Service Centers (ISCs) to prevent employees and postal customers from exposure to radiation from incoming international mail. Postal inspectors, along with Customs and Border Protection Officers, have direct responsibility for monitoring international mail to ensure that it […]

APWU Negotiating Team To Conduct Briefings on Tentative Contract Agreement

 No briefings in California? Members of the union’s Negotiating Team will conduct briefings on the Tentative Agreement in the locations listed below. APWU members who wish to attend a meeting in their area should contact their National Business Agent or Regional Coordinator for specific information about the time and site. March 17 – Charlotte, NC […]

Ex-President Burrus Attacks APWU Tentative Contract

Ex-President Burrus’s open letter “To APWU Members” on the proposed APWU contract: The union negotiators have performed their constitutional duties in finalizing a tentative agreement for your decision. This decision will shape postal employment for decades far into the future. The benefits received for efforts involved in postal employment have accumulated over 200 years, with […]

NALC Statement On USPS, APWU Contract Settlement

USPS-APWU tentative agreement March 14, 2011 NALC respectfully recognizes the dedication and professionalism displayed by our sister union, the APWU, and the Postal Service in negotiating a tentative agreement to replace their contract, which expired Nov. 20, 2010. We understand that a ratification vote will be held shortly. The tentative agreement appears to address the […]

Video: APWU Members Demonstrate At White House

A protest on March 7th 2011 at the White House ‘Regarding the Protection of the United States Postal Service’ organized by active and retired APWU rank and file membership. In response to APWU President Guffey’s call for help, Rank and File Members of the American Postal Workers Union demonstrated in front of the White House […]