House Oversight Committee Hearing: Can a USPS-run Health Plan Solve Its Financial Crisis?

From Federal Times: Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe will testify Tuesday that the U.S. Postal Service could save nearly $7 billion in the first year of running its own health care plan, largely through eliminating the need to prefund retiree health benefits. But a leading federal health care expert will blast the Postal Service’s plan as […]

NAPUS: Senate Finally Ready to Move on Postal Bill

This year’s NAPUS Leadership Conference is being held concurrently with Senate consideration of  S. 1789, the Leiberman-Collins-Carper-Brown postal relief legislation. Consequently, the over 850 NAPUS members attending the Leadership Conference, and who will be on Capitol Hill next week will play a vital role in helping to influence the outcome of the Senate deliberations. Last […]

Congressman Critz Requests Immediate Review of “Loophole” the USPS may be using to close Post Offices

Cites Post Office Closings in Westmoreland and Somerset Counties (Pennsylvania) WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Mark S. Critz (PA-12) sent a letter to the Postal Regulatory Commission today requesting an immediate review of concerns that the United States Postal Service (USPS) may be deliberately labeling post office lease holders as “unreasonable” in an attempt to close […]

USPS Statement on Market Survey Research Filed with the PRC

The Postal Service conducted market survey research related to potential service standard changes. A questionnaire used in the fall of 2011 asked business customer respondents about a scenario that would never be implemented at the same time. Specifically, the survey asked whether business customer respondents would lessen their use of the mail if the Postal […]

Senate Vote on Postal Bill S. 1789 Could Be Taken on Monday

From the American Postal Workers Union: An amended version of a controversial postal bill (S. 1789) is tentatively scheduled for a vote during the week of March 26, and could be brought to the Senate floor as early as Monday, APWU Legislative and Political Director Myke Reid is reporting. Details of the final bill are […]

USPS Market Research on Consolidations: Revenue Losses Could Wipe Out Savings

In testimony before the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) on March 21, a USPS witness made a startling admission: The Postal Service’s initial research on the network consolidation plan indicated that it could result in revenue losses of $5.3 billion, with net revenue losses as high as $1.9 billion. Revenue losses of that magnitude would virtually […]

NALC: New USPS data indicates proposed cuts could mean greater losses in volume, revenue

From the National Association of Letter Carriers: March 22, 2012 — The proposed cuts in service sought by the U.S. Postal Service could result in a far-greater loss of mail volume—and thus of revenue—than postal authorities previously have disclosed, new testimony indicates. In fact, the losses—outlined in a preliminary study commissioned by the USPS but […]

U.S. Postal Service Targets Small Businesses for Growth

Unveils Easy-to-Use, Affordable Direct Mail Program and New Ad Campaign WASHINGTON – The U.S. Postal Service today unveiled a new integrated marketing campaign to promote easy-to-use and affordable direct mail and shipping services to America’s small businesses. “Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy, and the Postal Service plays an important role in […]