NALC Cancels Food Service for Boston Convention

 In Solidarity with UNITE-HERE Workers Locked in Contract Dispute WASHINGTON – The National Association of Letter Carriers union announced today that it has cancelled all food service for its 66 th Biennial NALC Convention July 21-25 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC) due to the contract dispute between Local 26 of the UNITE-HERE […]


German firm has agreement of cooperation with USPS The Postal Service is one step closer to PMG Jack Potter’s vison of being the last mile of delivery for every American. Deutsche Post — which owns DHL — announced today that it has an agreement of cooperation with USPS that will have us delivering 40,000 more […]

Postal Service Reports Second Quarter Loss of $707 Million; Economic Slowdown Cited

Despite cost-cutting measures, the U.S. Postal Service ended the second quarter with a net loss of $707 million, driven by a continued decline in mail volume resulting from the current national economic climate. Meanwhile, the on-time delivery of First-Class Mail continued at record levels in the second quarter.  The second quarter results were presented during […]

Postal Employee Charged With Disclosing Confidential Information

The following is a press release from United States Attorney, Western District of New York ROCHESTER, N.Y.–A one-count Information has been filed in United States District Court charging DOMINICK FAZZARY, JR., age 41, of Watkins Glen, New York, with knowing disclosure of confidential information by a government employee, announced U.S. Attorney Terrance P. Flynn of […]

OPM Submits Proposal To Create Short-Term Disability Insurance Program

OPM issued the following press release:  U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Director Linda M. Springer today submitted a proposal to both chambers of Congress to establish a short-term disability insurance program to protect federal employees who suffer an injury or illness which temporarily prevents them from performing their normal job duties. “If we are […]

NALC President Young Issues Statement on Shooting Death of Retired Letter Carrier

William H. Young, president of the 300,000-member National Association of Letter Carriers, today issued the following statement regarding the shooting death today in Pompano Beach, Florida of retired letter carrier Paul Rein. Rein, who became a sheriff’s deputy for the Broward County Sheriff’s Department, was slain while transporting a prisoner to court: “It is shocking […]

Postal Service Commemorates Flight 93

The U.S. Postal Service will offer a Flight 93 pictorial cancellation to commemorate the heroes of Sept. 11, 2001. 33 passengers and seven crew members died when Flight 93, en route to San Francisco from Newark, NJ was hijacked by four terrorists and crashed near Shanksville.The cancellation will bear the image of the Flight 93 […]