National Veterans Outreach Program Wins USPS Contract For Mail Trays

San Antonio, TX (PRWEB) April 26, 2010 — The National Veterans Outreach Program of the American GI Forum began production of corrugate mail trays for the United States Postal Service, at the Veterans Enterprises of Texas (VETS) manufacturing assembly plant. The United States Postal Service (USPS) recently issued the contract award to the National Veterans […]

PMG Tells Senate Subcommittee Postal Service Still Needs Help

WASHINGTON — Postmaster General John E. Potter told a Senate subcommittee today that while the Postal Service continues on a path of growth and cost reductions, legislative change is still needed to put the Postal Service back on the path of financial stability. Testifying before the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management* of the Senate Committee […]

PRC Chairman Urges Caution before Nation Cuts Mail Service

Washington, DC – Postal Regulatory Commission Chairman Ruth Y. Goldway today cautioned against deciding on major cuts in universal mail service until Congress considers possible changes to Postal Service funding of employee pensions and future retiree health benefits. In remarks before the Senate postal oversight subcommittee, Goldway said, “These are two unresolved issues that could […]

PCMA: Altering Mail Delivery Schedule Could Negatively Impact Consumers Relying on Home Delivery of Prescription Drugs

WASHINGTON -A United States Postal Service (USPS) proposal that would reduce delivery of mail to five days could negatively impact the millions of Americans with chronic conditions who rely on the convenience and value provided by mail-service pharmacies, the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association (PCMA) said in letters sent to U.S. House Committee on Oversight and […]

Postal Employee Charged With Stealing Over 1,200 Gift Cards From Mail

US Attorney Press Release  Allegedly Rifled Over 1200 Greeting Cards, Stealing Cash, Checks and Gift Cards  Baltimore, Maryland – A criminal complaint has been filed charging Postal Service employee Andrew C. Walsh, age 51, of Cockeysville, Maryland, with theft of mail. Walsh was arrested at home last night. At the time of his arrest, agents […]

Postal Service Launches Green Newsroom

Information Resource Ready for Earth Day WASHINGTON — On the eve of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, the U.S. Postal Service unveiled its green newsroom, a one-stop shop for all its environmental information. Replete with photos of its energy-saving vehicles and facilities, green products and services, and a time-lapse video of the construction of […]

USPS: Service Impacts Continue for International Mail to Europe

Alternate Transportation Arrangements Being Made WASHINGTON —The Postal Service is using all available airlift, rerouting mail through alternate airports and booking available ground transportation to move international mail in response to the ongoing closure of airports throughout Europe. Many international airports remain closed due to the plume of volcanic ash blanketing extensive areas of the […]

New Book and Stamped Postal Cards Honor America’s National Parks

WASHINGTON — America’s national parks are the subject of stamped postal cards and a new co-branded book released today by the U.S. Postal Service and the U.S. Department of the Interior’s National Park Service. During a special first-day-of-issue ceremony at The Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum, Postmaster General John E. Potter was joined by Secretary of […]

Valpak Helps NALC Stamp Out Hunger by Promoting Nation’s Largest One-Day Food Drive on May 8

Valpak Sponsors National Association of Letter Carriers’ Food Drive for Seventh Consecutive Year, Helping Combat Nation’s Growing Hunger Problem LARGO, Fla., April 20 — /PRNewswire/ — For the seventh year in a row, Valpak announces its support of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Stamp Out Hunger food drive, the nation’s largest one-day effort […]