APWU Resolves Uniform Issue For Non-Traditional Assignments

APWU Web News Article 60-2012, June 5, 2012 The APWU resolved a nagging problem on May 24, when the USPS issued instructions to managers in the field [PDF] notifying them that they must re-establish uniform allowances for eligible Clerk Craft and Motor Vehicle Craft employees who hold Non-Traditional Full-Time assignments (NTFT). The problem arose when […]

NALC: Ask Sen. Carper To Take Down His Misleading Petition

As you know, the Senate passed S. 1789 in April over the vigorous objection of the NALC. We believe that the bill offers, at best, a temporary Band-Aid and, at worst, a slow-motion death spiral for the Postal Service. It prioritizes pre-funding and downsizing and fails to offer a viable business model for the future. […]

Sen. Carper Launches New Facebook Timeline to Highlight U.S. House’s Failure to Deliver Postal Reform

WASHINGTON – Today, as postal losses surpassed $1 billion since the U.S. Senate passed its bipartisan bill to reform the U.S. Postal Service, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), co-author of the 21st Century Postal Service Act and chairman of the Senate subcommittee that oversees the Postal Service, launched a new Facebook page – “Priority Fail” – […]

Senator Murkowski: Skagway Postal Situation “Intolerable” and “Unacceptable”

After Hearing from Town Residents, Senator Urges USPS Action in Southeast WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski today sent a letter to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe, directing the United States Postal Service to do more to fill the 3 vacant positions at the Skagway Post Office – after hearing near-unanimous public concern during her recent […]

USPS OIG Summary Of Financial Crimes In Semiannual Report to Congress

FINANCIAL CRIMES A portion of the $66 billion in revenue generated by the Postal Service last year is handled at the 32,000 postal retail locations. Employees who allegedly embezzle funds, kite or otherwise misuse money orders, or steal and misuse postal-issued credit cards receive investigative attention from our special agents. A former New York lead […]

Two Alternative Separation Dates for Special Incentives for Postmasters May Be Offered

Additional Postmaster Jobs Will be Posted From June 6 Through June 12. Today, the Postal Service mailed the following letter to all  Postmasters: Regarding the Special Incentive Offer announced to you May 9, 2012; the separation date is July 31, 2012. However, based on operational requirements and at management’s discretion, two alternate separation dates (August […]

PMG announces selection of Jeff Williamson to be USPS VP, Pricing

PMG Pat Donahoe has announced the selection of Jeff Williamson to be vice president, Pricing. Williamson is a 2012 graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), having represented the Postal Service as a Sloan Fellow and earned a Master of Science degree in management. Prior to his appointment as vice president, he was manager, […]

PRC to Review USPS Second Proposal to Cut Post Office Costs and Operations

Washington, DC – On May 31, the Postal Regulatory Commission issued  Order No. 1361 establishing Docket N2012-2 to provide a public hearing and issue an advisory opinion on the U.S. Postal Service’s Post Office Structure Plan (POStPlan). The primary focus of the proposal is to reduce costs by changing operating hours at approximately 17,700 of […]

USPS OIG Seeks Help From Postal Employees To “Pick Out the Bad Apples”

USPS OIG creates new fraud awareness poster The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is distributing a new fraud awareness poster. Poster 204 encourages employees to help the OIG “pick out the bad apples” by reporting postal crimes or misconduct. The poster features a Quick Response (QR) Code, which allows employees to report misconduct to the OIG […]

USPS: Automated Retreat Rights on eJob Bidding

New online application available USPS has improved the methods eligible craft employees use to exercise their retreat rights.Involuntarily reassigned employees are entitled to “retreat” to their previous installations when job opportunities become available. Now, employees can use an efficient and reliable new automated method to enter, track and manage their retreat rights on eJob Bidding […]