Five-Day Delivery Would Mean 40,000-50,000 Fewer Letter Carriers

 Billings Gazette

The least painful option

Al DeSarro, spokesman for the western area of the United States Postal Service, said surveys show that elimination of Saturday mail delivery is by far the most favored option for trimming the post office’s losses

Cutting Saturday delivery also wouldn’t be the first time the agency has tried that option. Back in 1957, according to, the postmaster general implemented five-day service — but the change lasted just one Saturday. Public furor was so great that additional funding was immediately allocated and mail was delivered the very next Saturday.”

Down the road, and we’re talking years from now, we won’t need as many carriers because we won’t have to support that sixth-day delivery,” “It’s estimated that probably between 40,000 and 50,000 fewer carrier positions nationwide will be needed.”

2 thoughts on “Five-Day Delivery Would Mean 40,000-50,000 Fewer Letter Carriers

  1. He didn’t say anyone was being fired; I read it as fewer people will need to be hired in the future. The Postal Service doesn’t exist just to hire people, that’s not its purpose- delivering mail is.

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