Postal Employee Charged With Stealing Over 1,200 Gift Cards From Mail

US Attorney Press Release

 Allegedly Rifled Over 1200 Greeting Cards, Stealing Cash, Checks and Gift Cards

 Baltimore, Maryland – A criminal complaint has been filed charging Postal Service employee Andrew C. Walsh, age 51, of Cockeysville, Maryland, with theft of mail. Walsh was arrested at home last night. At the time of his arrest, agents recovered approximately 450 stolen gift cards from his vehicle.

 The criminal charge was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein and Special Agent in Charge Joanne Yarbrough, Office of Investigations, U.S. Postal Service – Office of Inspector General.

 According to the affidavit filed in support of the criminal complaint, throughout January 2010, Postal employees at the Baltimore Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC), 900 East Fayette Street in Baltimore responsible for preparing mail for the first stages of mail processing, turned over numerous rifled greeting cards to the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General (OIG) for investigation. These greeting cards had been torn open and in many cases their contents had been removed. From January through April 2010, rifled greeting cards were recovered almost daily, from approximately 4:30 p.m. through 10:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The recovered mail fluctuated between approximately 20 to 100 rifled greeting cards each night, totaling approximately 1200 victims to date.

Working with victims whose mail had been rifled and the contents stolen, investigators were able to identify gift cards which had been stolen and used. Investigators were able to connect some of those cards to Andrew Walsh, a Postal Service maintenance mechanic, who is currently an Acting Supervisor at the Baltimore Processing and Distribution Center, working the 3:00 p.m to 11:30 p.m. shift, Monday through Friday.

 Walsh faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison for theft of mail by a postal employee. Walsh had an initial appearance in U.S. District Court in Baltimore today at 1:00 p.m.

 A criminal complaint is not a finding of guilt. An individual charged by criminal complaint is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty at some later criminal proceedings.

 United States Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein thanked Assistant United States Attorney Tamera L. Fine, who is prosecuting the case.

6 thoughts on “Postal Employee Charged With Stealing Over 1,200 Gift Cards From Mail

  1. Oh this burns here I sit waiting for the local post office to locate a very important letter that they delivered to someone other than me. Their excuse ” it was a summer worker” After 2 days it still has not been found so either the person it was delivered to decided to keep it or the !@$!@!#$ carrier stole it. At this point I want to see the mornon and it’s supervisor in JAIL. This whole affair is going to cost me a lot I am sure.
    Postal workers and airline/ airport baggage workers….. seems a certain percentage view their jobs as a free shopping mall.

  2. The MDO on that floor in Baltimore is Jacqueline Conway, an arrogant and can’t see past the end of her nose person. She wouldn’t recognixze mail theft if the person would open a piece of mail in front of her. This is typical of Baltimore’s MDO’s. You should try John Fratini for a real loser and especially the Sr. Plant Manager Greg Incontro whosse favorite word starts with F and is used almost every other word. A varitable F****** paradise to work in.

  3. Wow! Idiott! Hope he does not have children. Thats the real problem with some Postal Employees that reside within the today; if they have reproduced the work ethic probably carries on. 🙁

  4. He had the qualities of a regular supervisor. If he had been a regular supervisor he would still have a job.

  5. What an @%#!&* idiot. I work on the operation he was helping out on. To make $65,000 yearl and to do something dumb like this…! I don’t feel sorry for him, just his family.

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