PMG Pat Donahoe went to Capitol Hill Tuesday to support the Postal Service’s plan to return the agency to fiscal solvency.
Donahoe told legislators during a hearing of the House Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Service and Labor Policy the comprehensive plan USPS has developed will produce a reduction in annual costs of $22.5 billion by 2016. He said the plan provides a “clear path toward financial stability” for USPS.
The PMG urged Congress to consider the comprehensive plan favorably. He said its adoption would allow USPS to meet its universal service obligations and its employees would continue providing reliable and affordable service to the public. “We believe it’s a responsible approach that’s fair to our customers and our employees,” he said.
What a freakin’ knucklehead!
Pat, seriously?! I mean it’s getting to the point where your call for reform – on your terms – is getting near ludicrious. Your death spiral , shoot yourself in the foot plan will go down as a turning point in postal customer relations, if it can get lower. Nevertheless, it is time to jump on the sword or be pushed, we hope.
F U Donuthole