From the National Association of Postmasters of the US (NAPUS)
It appears likely that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) will call up S. 1789, the Lieberman-Collins-Carper Brown postal relief bill sometime next week. The only bills that could have supplanted the postal bill’s primacy were bills relating to internet security and reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The internet piracy bill was pulled from the Senate calendar late last week, and there is an agreement on temporary FAA funding.
Last year, the Majority Leader assured Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) and Ranking GOP Member Susan Collins (R-ME) that the Committee-approved postal bill would be one of the first bills to be considered in 2012. Although there are a number of contentious provisions in S. 1789, it seems that Reid will make good on his promise. For more information on full Senate consideration of S. 1789 and other news, link onto calendar year 2012′s first issue of the eNAPUS Legislative and Political Bulletin.
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Shut up and keeping paying dem dues! And, by the way…stay in line all you lemmings!
Issa is nothing but a lying, crooked rat bastard.
What really gets me is when Darrel Issa wants to talk about how much in Debt the Postal Service is….Nobody EVER MENTIONS Darrel is Responsible for 50 BILLION OF THAT DEBT ALL BY HIMSELF when he had that LAW ENACTED back in 2006!
$25000 and i’m hoping they add 4 years to csrs….
if they want people to go, that would do it. 1 year wont work for alot of people. how about not taking away 4% ?? work with us ,senators !! please.
That was $25,000 OR 1yr CSRS OR 2 yrs FERS.
That could be fine, but what about the first proposal that was made by Congressman Lynch, the HR 1351. This bill would restore the $50 to $75 billion dollars back to the Postal Service, that was overpaid to the retiree pre-fund program. This H R 1351 Bill would keep the Postal Service open and keep employees from being moved from city or state to another if excessing occurs. And also would keep universal service to the American people who rely and depend on mail delivery on a daily basis, delivering to every householdd. Congress, get the job done! Put this bill on the agenda Reid, let the Postal Service use its own money!
So what ever happened to the incentive that was rumored? $20,000 & 2%???
JUST GIVE ME MY $20,000 and i’m gone!