Video: Bulk-mailers fear proposed mail delays could hurt business

SOUTH BEND – Businesses that send mail to make money are worried about what postal service cost cutting and changes will mean for their business.

It normally takes the post office one or two days to deliver a letter but if the postal service gets their way people could wait even longer. Bulk mailers, like Mail Data 2020, are not happy about it since universities and non-profits turn to their company to spread the word.

Not only will businesses feel the delay in sending out mail but it will also affect the rest of us. “It’s going to be a whole lot different, said Mark Winters, a USPS customer.

Read more: Bulk-mailers fear proposed mail delays could hurt business. –

One thought on “Video: Bulk-mailers fear proposed mail delays could hurt business

  1. Hey bulk mailers why don’t you gather together and petition the President to fire PMG Donahue? All you businesses better get going or your going to be gone soon. The PMG doesn’t care about your problems and not just bulk mailers he doesn’t care about his employees, the public, the president, senate, house of reps,magazine companies, ebay,, his floor supervisors, or any one else. And if you all can’t see it your all a bunch of idiots.

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