Zumbox Announces Digital Postal Mail Appliance for Large Organizations

Turnkey Network Appliance Helps Businesses Achieve 2011 Paper Suppression and Cost Reduction Goals LOS ANGELES, CA — (MARKET WIRE) — May 23, 2011 — Zumbox,the leader in digital postal mail services, today announced at CS Week the availability of its Zumbox Digital Postal Mail Gateway (DPM Gateway), a secure network appliance that will automatically and […]

CRS Researcher Reports on USPS Finances and How To Stop Junk Mail

Kevin R. Kosar, Ph.D., is a researcher and writer in Washington, DC.  Kosar is also an  “Analyst in American National Government- Congressional Research Service.” He has written reports and given testimony on the financial condition of USPS. In one of his recent CRS reports to The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Subcommittee […]

Amusing USPS Court Case

Oops, this is rare.  The USPS was caught in misstatement.  USPS claimed that a customer’s PO Box number 343 was accessible therefore his complaint should be dismissed.  The  District Court asked USPS if the customer’s PO Box was accessible  why five items of mail it sent to the plaintiff were returned as non-deliverable? USPS said […]

USPS Missed Another Burger King Commercial featuring letter carrier

“Last year, Burger King launched an ad campaign that included television commercials featuring a “letter carrier” singing about breakfast at Burger King rather than delivering the mail. USPS objected to the commercial, resulting in a negotiated settlement favorable to both sides.” PostalReporter posted the video on this site last year but it has been removed. […]

Rep. Dennis Ross Still Getting USPS Numbers Wrong

Recently, Congressman Dennis Ross wrote on his Facebook page that 80-82% of USPS operating costs is labor. Normally, estimating figures in a public forum is no problem. But when the Chairman of a House Subcommittee covering the U.S. Postal Service starts doling out numbers they should be accurate and not pulled out of thin air. […]

PRC Chairman Goldway comments To Senate on USPS financial crisis

Chairman Carper and Ranking Member Brown, thank you for the opportunity to submit my comments as Chairman of the Postal Regulatory Commission for inclusion in today’s hearing record. I regret being unable to testify in person. We all know that in four months, the United States Postal Service will conclude its fiscal year and it […]

APWU Tentative Guidelines For Effective Dates of New Contract

The new APWU and USPS collective bargaining agreement will be signed on Monday, May 23rd. Below is a timeline of effective dates (subject to change). Also “The APWU Industrial Relations Department has produced a Guide to Local Negotiations that contains a wealth of information to assist locals in bargaining over Local Memorandums of Understanding (LMOUs) […]