NALC And USPS Agree To New Joint Alternate Route Adjustment Process

NALC and USPS agree to new JARAP The National Association of Letter Carriers has entered into a new Joint Alternate Route Adjustment Process (JARAP) with the United States Postal Service for 2011. There are three documents that must be read in conjunction to fully understand the JARAP 2011 process. The memorandum of understanding M-01746, the […]

Appeals Court Upholds Firing Of Letter Carrier Who Refused To Work Saturdays For Religious Reasons

Decision from the United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit, March 31, 2011 The accommodation requested by Harrell that he be given every Saturday as a scheduled day off would have violated the CBA, and the USPS was therefore not required under Title VII to grant Harrell’s request. The district court granted summary judgment in […]