Video from the Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Service and Labor Policy hearing on “Pushing the Envelope: The Looming Crisis at USPS.” The hearing examined the current fiscal situation of the Postal Service, the long-term outlook, and potential areas for postal reform. March 2, 2011.
Lately, Postal Workers have been under constant assault from various groups. In fact, it seems like Postal Workers have become “poster children” for the direct cause of USPS financial woes. So, it is refreshing to hear at least one voice at the recent hearing on USPS express appreciation for Letter Carriers.
Here is the video clip of Eleanor Holmes Norton, a Delegate to Congress representing the District of Columbia:
“I have walked with my letter carrier. He is an indispensable party to the American people…Far beyond delivering the mail.”
Suits me fine! More money for me and my boys!!!
I could get a chimp to do the job just as efficiently and a whole lot cheaper. I could pay him in bananas