USPS To Offer Early Retirement

PMG Pat Donahoe has announced a new senior management structure representing a flatter, leaner organization with the flexibility to more quickly adapt to coming changes.

Donahoe also said:

“The Executive Leadership Team and I have worked collaboratively with many others to create a smaller, more efficient structure that will empower senior executives with authority and provide the resources necessary to lead significant change.”

There are organizations that do not continue under the structure announced today and the total number of officer positions has been reduced by six. The structure establishes a small number of new positions, and reflects changed reporting relationships.

Donahoe said the changes provide a more integrated focus toward accomplishing the key USPS strategic goals of strengthening the business-to-consumer channel; improving the customer experience; competing for the package business; and becoming a leaner, faster and smarter organization. The PMG and Executive Leadership Team have been working since early December to develop the structure.

“Today’s actions and announcements are the beginning of a much larger process that will involve every organization within the Postal Service,” said Donahoe.

“As we continue our restructuring, we anticipate that a reduction in force (RIF) and a voluntary early retirement (VER) process will be initiated by the end of this fiscal quarter,” said Donahoe. “We will provide as much information as we can and will be as transparent as possible about goals and objectives throughout this time.”

Donahoe said he understands that changes like those announced today are difficult for many people. “I thank all employees for continuing to do a great job delivering for America,” he said. “It’s imperative that we all help the Postal Service continue its evolution as a forward-thinking, fast-acting company capable of providing quality products and services for customers — and a welcoming, diverse, professional work place.”

A full organizational chart will be shared within the next few months, according to Donahoe, and he committed to employees to keep all levels of the organization informed as the Postal Service moves forward.

81 thoughts on “USPS To Offer Early Retirement

  1. There will always be Carriers like Margie who will defend the slow –deadbeat carriers who just want do anough to get by. One reason the postal service is in trouble. But Union stick up for carriers that don’t want to work. A big problem. Equal for equal pay should be the Post Office motto.

  2. Kids:

    If you read this article carefully(even between the lines) you will see that he is referring to EAS only. This will in no way benefit the carrier and or clerk craft.
    His plan is to reduce the number of upper management positions without having to relocate them or find other positions for them.
    This is not good news for carrier and clerks. Only EAS. You will see.

  3. Let’s see, leaner management so they can get things done. Does that make any sense? What do any of these managers do except drive the USPS into the ground! GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!!!

  4. To Spyder John: Your comment is a bit confusing. Are you saying the info relayed to you indicated this VER is aimed toward CSRS ONLY? Or are you saying the “NO MONEY” part is for CSRS only but that a VER will be made available to all (CSRS and FERS)?

  5. New one today. Rumor as it is, comes from a person who, well, does’nt give in to the rumor mill. C S R S ONLY !!! No money!!! But, 80% to all who qualify? Who’s that? Wouln’nt speculate. Via, tele-con this mouning. Hum, would be great for some, not so great for others. Regaurdless, all is not fact untill one see’s it in writing. One fact is certain. There will be NO more ver with incentives after this one. I’ve been waiting just for this. What ever this is. If it’s a gift card to cracker barrel I’m taking it. 33 years, my body can’t take anymore winters trudging through snow. Might I be dissapointed? Yes, but I was, and am convinced our company loosing 300 million a day, and a newly installed PMG, extreme measures will be taken! Call me a fool if you like, if they don’t do something in a hurrry, this ship WILL SINK !!! By the wat, Kim, PER comment Monday. Tracking Number and Insurance always. Don’t blame us for being cheap.

  6. To those of you who can think without emotion and anger look at the fact that as soon as the usps would implement a buyout the usps would be in the black because the csrs employee would collect the buyout and then be on retirement. The usps would only be liable for a mere $300.00 per employee per month while the annuity would cover the rest. Please grab a hold of your collective thoughts and think clearly about the future of your families and do not sweat the small stuff. I have 341/2 years in the usps and it has not been fun but has provided for my family. Are there negatives working for this institution? Yes! Move forward and stop the belly aching because we all can give an instance that the individuals who are in charge have abused those positions. Good Luck to All!

  7. @ Kim on Mon, 10th Jan 2011 8:47 pm
    USPS can’t guarantee anything because there are employees [craft and eas] who do not put any pride in their work. (a missort – who cares – I get paid the same). Even if we each know only one person in every facility like that – multiply that by the number of facilities around the nation – what have we got? I dunno – not my problem anymore – I’m retired! 😉

  8. Donahoe is a bean counter, a numbers cruncher, and, consequently, a hatchet man. (Potter was warm and fuzzy by comparison.) Put your wishful thinking aside, read the facts and do the math. Its that simple.

  9. Our facility went through a reorganization – they offered what we thought should have been a vera, but turned out to be the same early out of $15,000. Many people took it, I did not. Unless you are minimum retirement age, the postal service retirement does not give you the part of your retirement that supplements yours social security until you reach 62, when you ss kicks in – many of these fellow employees that took the deal are now sorry they did, the $15,000 and pension checks took at least 6 months to get them – have a good bank account before you consider anything from USPS – they also gave employee’s about one week to decide on what other jobs they wanted to pick within 100 mile radious – not long enough to decide – CHOOSE WISELY

  10. This is ridiculous. The United States Postal Service has the WORST customer service I have dealt with in a long time and this includes the outsourced companies from India, and takez no responsibility for their actions. This December I had three packages that were suppose to be delivered, and I got one. This USPS claims they are not liable, and cannot guarantee anything. Potato chip companies guarantee freshness and has some one waiting on the line 24 hours a day to make sure you are satisfied with the crunch of your chips, why can’t the USPS do this?

    No one takes responsibility at the post office, its always some one else’s fault or fault for not paying an arm and leg to insure your package-that really is not insurance because they still can not guarantee anything. No one at the post office takes complaints seriously. At most jobs, the type of negligence I have experienced would not be tolerated-but I guess you can do a 1/3- @$$ed job and still retire. If any hire up reads this and would like to help me out- please do not hesitate to contact me.

  11. Just be happy you still can retire!! Watch out when they change your retirement age and calculation giving you less than what you would have if you got out before that change in calculation!!!!
    When SSA says no more checks in the mail, the loss will qua-triple!!!!

  12. Everybody who wants to retire can! 🙂 And if were LUCKY we just might get rid of some of the OLD GOATS in MANAGEMENT that don’t ever seem to GO AWAY!!

  13. Bill, you hit the nail on the head! Morrons indeed! And although the refise to call them bonuses, that is encentive based cash awards.LOL… Idiots all! The plan 5 every mouning! B. S. The weekly not so vital few called in the office, not making street, and office time! B. S. Most of them were horrible in thier craft, but such is the postal way, we’ll make them managers!!! I Job scared little nobodies, hoping to be somebody. If they kiss the right pooper long enough, they just might get somewhere! All of them have forgot where they came from.And now, well let’s face it , there just sooooooo much better than we are! I hope they are as stupid as I think, we may just get V.E.R. By the way, one of the other rumors was, no cash, but 1 month of service added for every year served. Either way, I’d take it.

  14. Show me the MONEY$$$$$$$$$$$$Been ready to retire. Our company has been reuined by the morron’s in charge. Mgt. is only focused on hittting their numbers in order to hit their bonuses. They do not care about there most valueable and important assets, the mailhandlers, the clerks, the carriers, the maintenance and custodians.You should meet the managers in LV…no you don’t!

  15. Flat sorters are either cancelled, or on hold, due to the loss of volume.If it does not come back, you will not see new flat sorters because of the volume to cost ratio. The ver, “IF” for carriers, will target CSRS. The postal service makes makes no bones about this! For now, unless they have back doored 5-day on us, it will only be offered to EAS positions. I wish, for all of our sakes it was for us. We can expect to be dissapointed again. The ones who work the hardest seems to always get the least, and are expected of the most!

  16. I am fed up with your lousy comments about older workers I can still work do my job and what the problem is those with about 10 years or less are jealous of others that have worked for over 25 30 years. And all you can say is get rid of the older workers. Most of you are always blasting someone else why don’t you just worry about your self. I work with guys that all they do is bitch about how hard they work and they are not doing any more than anyone else. Can I help it that you go out and run your dumbass route off and want a pat on the back from management and then they turn around and screw you in route adjustments wake up. Carry your route like your suppose to and quit running. And to those that are complaning about someone else your just jealous and backstabbing to make yourself look good. I know because I hear it every day. I will be so glad to get out and get in with other people that are not cutthroats.

  17. with the new flat sorting and re-bidding of routes, the next 6 months will make all the carriers wealthy with OT while trying to decide which route they will bidon.

  18. What the Postal service needs to do is come up with a specfic number that it is willing to spend to get people out. Once they come up with that number, they need to individualize it to those who meet the early out options. For example let’s say the are willing to spend $25,000. to get a person out. If it takes cash or a number of years added to years of service or age( thet need to figure out the life expectency) or a combination or any or all three which total the amount they are willing to spend, then do it. I am sure that if they can come up with a plan somewhat like this it may get more people to jump.

  19. I also want to add –the way mail routes been presently adjusted ? should be change as soon as possible. Why ? what company do you know that allow their workers to set their own work pace ?? Know of any ? i know one , the Postal service. A huge problem. Where i work we have carriers on driving routes with 280–to—340 deliveries, a joke. Mail volume is down , but these jokers don’t get route additions.
    Mail carriers who are honest- who put in 100% have the biggest routes in the office. While lazy deadbeats that don’t want to work have the smallest routes. Equal work for equal pay should be the way to adjust all routes.By the way i have 430 deliveries . I served in the Marines for 4 years and 34 years in the postal service.

  20. Employees who are qualify to retire but are not retiring are the ones that should get the incentives to get them out. Get the old people out and keep the young workers. I have 4 years in the Marines and 34 years in the post office . I want to work 4 more years to get 41 years, but if they offer me an incentive ? good-bye. Someone told me that the union president said that some type of early out with incentives is coming ? The union president said $ 25,000—and 3 years to your time. That would be sweet. That will get rid of all the old timers in the post Office for sure.

  21. So what makes this one so attractive that will make me want it after I already turned down the last 2 VER’s

  22. With 25 years of service, I’ll leave when i’am good and ready. And not until then! USPS could care less about craft emplyees, all they want !! is for us to go away.

  23. Incentives should only be given to people who are 50 years old/20 years or 25 years less than MRA(minimum retirement age). $5000 per each year under MRA. It makes no sense to give people incentives who already qualify for immediate retirement.

  24. I just hope that the Postal Service will offer all employees an incentive and early outs that are attractive. Years to service and cash incentive would be a major deciding factor with a lot of older employees. This would open up job slots so
    employees could move around.



  26. as an employee who does not qualify for ver my question is will this open up the reassignment process where people like myself who cannot retire yet will be able to navigate reassignment opportunities in other parts of the country. If the hiring freeze remains intact it seems that usps will need to replace those employees in those areas where the ver was heavily exercised. In addition, the fact that employees are leaving should open up a bevy of more attractive bid assignments. (If the rif doesnt put me on the street with 17 years seniority) I will say this though I dont trust usps management to do anything to benefit the rank file it is strictly a us vs them mentality!!!

  27. The vera in question will be announced by the end of this quarter, via e-mail to EAS nationwide on1-6. Will it include carriers? Probably not! We are too few now. With that said, the only way for that to include us, would be for the usps to go to 5-day. I believe that is going to happen despite all efforts of the unions. The question is only when? To Jon Bickford, I am also a 30 % disabled vet. I also have gone through NRP. Mine is ankle an feet, bi-latterally. I am lucky to have 33 years with miitary, and just turned 55. I know every situation is unique. Beside the nalc. Are you working with your elected officials? Considered a suit under the ‘Americans with disabillities act “? Continue to think outside the box, and never give up hope!!!!

  28. what about the severance pay grievance for those taking vera in 2009??? Almost two years since it was sent to arbitration!!! Those bastards should pay out what we have coming!!!

  29. A RIF sends you out with more money than a VER would. But the one big factor missing in a RIF is health insurance. I would not enter retirement without a solid health insurance policy like the one you get to keep with normal retirement.

  30. I am thinking where does PRESIDENT OBAMAS EXECUTIVE ORDER 13548
    come into play ? ORDER STATES INCREASING FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT OF INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITYS it was published in the federal register on july 30 2010. I have a disability that I had three years before surgury that basically reduced my pain not my ability now i have become the victim of local politics and their NRP process. Evan the fact of being a 30% disabled veteran doesnt matter . i still give the government the benefit of the dought ,but in my case will someone show it is not a case of talking the talk but not walking the walk. please i just want to finish my three years in my postal job amd retire like a normal person i have always worked and paid my dues. National Hero Of The Year Award For The Year 1990 Presented July 5 th 1991. is this my thanks?

  31. I am a veteran letter carier 25 years had a shoulder replacement in 2008, have had several accomodations commitee meetings, have the same restrictions as three years before surgury ,but local management has used the opportunity to by pass all employee contracts and use every effort to keep me from coming back to employment at the portland maine post office in any capacity,before you ask the answer is yes i did go through my union ,but something is going the last 2 nalc branch 92 presidents in the past year have gone into management. when i confronted one of them about my greivence and eeo he laughed in my face. so here i sit willing and able to do my job but instead hit with the national reaseessment process to make me go away after 25 yearts loyal union member and postal employee do i rate any rights ? i will say we have a steward helping now but time limits have expired according to management. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP. GOD BLESS Jon Bickford .

  32. in donohoe’s own words, he mentioned rif. with a rif, there will be cash incentives as stipulated in the contract. it’s provided for in the elm. should be 6 mos pay. only question is who all will be included

  33. The VER is nice if it comes with a incentive. Carriers should be considered first. The management that is excessed should step down into craft positions. vacated for the early out. My retirement is on hold until the end of the contract. Upper management is so bloated here in st louis we have a district manager watching the postmaster workand critiqueing her.the rats watching the rats watching the mice watching the Bees.what do rats do?

  34. So obviously Donahoe is referring to the management ranks as he describes the upcoming significant changes. Is the VER going to be restricted just to management? Something to think about.

  35. I will agree to throw in a couple of bucks to help with everyone’s VER. take it or leave it

  36. Of course with my retirement coming up in 84 days I see this post. But given the history of VERS so far I assue it will be the same old thing. No cash. And if by any chance there is a cash offer it will not meet the OPM “suggested” minimum of 6 months base pay. And whatever they would offer would be spread out over time. (Like the Clerks VER of late 2009.) That being said I will proceed with retirement. But if cash is offered I’ll stay long enough to collect……….I guess my Managers have trained me well.

  37. are they going to offer ver to letter carriers? do we get a cash incentive this time, they offered a cash incentive to clerk craft last time !! it might be worth not having the stress

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