Postal Service Places 4 Week Moratorium on Delivery Unit Optimization Implementation

The NAPUS National Office received the following e-mail on Tuesday, September 28, 2010, from Dean Granholm, Vice President Delivery and Post Office Operations:

“Per our conversation, a national moratorium was implemented last Friday for a period of four weeks. New instructions will be provided to the field at the National Executive Conference Operations Meeting, and I expect after that timeframe, the program will start running again.”

National Association of Postmasters of the United States

2 thoughts on “Postal Service Places 4 Week Moratorium on Delivery Unit Optimization Implementation

  1. Potter needs to go. We have had ongoing chaos in the Service for the past two years as the PMG has been trying to implement programs that no one else in the country wants ansd has been surrounded by scandals of his own making at headquarters. We need honest strong leadership in postal headquarters and that is currently not the case.

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