NAPS Sue USPS Over EAS Representation

 From the National Association of Postal Supervisors On Tuesday, June 9, 2009, the National Association of Postal Supervisors filed a motion in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia for the courts to enforce a prior court order originally issued on February, 17, 1977, that provided NAPS with the legal right to […]

APWU Responds to USPS Notice on Retail Operations

APWU News  In response to a USPS notice that “the Postal Service is considering consolidating operations in our larger stations and branches,” APWU President William Burrus has reminded management that a Memorandum of Understanding included in the 2006-2010 Collective Bargaining Agreement requires that “all existing retail operations will remain within the installation of which they […]

Postal Service Studies Retail Network, Office Consolidations

The Postal Service currently is examining the possible consolidation of delivery and retail functions among some of its larger (EAS-24 and above) stations and branches. This follows aggressive cost-control measures already taken, such as adjusting carrier routes, consolidating various mail-processing and tour operations, and restructuring administrative functions. According to DPMG and COO Pat Donahoe, the […]

APWU Protests Unilateral Elimination of Postal Districts

In a letter to John Dockins, USPS Manager, Contract Administration, APWU wrote:   Dear Mr. Dockins: By letter dated May 21,2009, I informed that the APWU interprets the 2006 national agreement and the application of previous midterm USPS administrative changes to contractual agreements as prohibiting the change of Postal Districts as informed by your letter […]

NALC Unrelenting on Six-Day Delivery

Message from NALC President William Young At a time of national economic crisis, rumors and misinformation can often take on lives of their own. NALC has received reports from North Carolina, New Jersey and other states that postal managers have been telling letter carriers and other postal employees that the PostalService has decided to drop […]

PRC Approves USPS “Summer Sale” Rates Proposal

PRC press release June 4, 2009 The Postal Regulatory Commission today unanimously approved the U.S. Postal Service proposal to implement a Standard Mail Volume Incentive Pricing Program. The seasonal rates are scheduled to take effect on July 1 and run through September 30, 2009. “Seasonal sales are popular fixtures in other industries and starting today, […]

USPS Begins Realignment of Bulk Mail Center Network

 NETWORK DISTRIBUTION CENTERS USPS REVAMPS BMC NETWORK TO IMPROVE EFFICIENCIES Postal Service plans to realign its bulk mail center (BMC) network and transform it into a three-tier system of Network Distribution Centers (NDCs) have begun. Explaining the new system to business mailers attending the National Postal Forum last week, Senior Vice President of Operations Bill […]