Postal Workers In New Castle, PA Protesting Possible Consolidation of Mail Operations

From A reader:  On April 10, 2009, the US Postal Service (USPS) announced its intent to conduct an Area Mail Processing (AMP) Study to consolidate the mail processing operations of the New Castle Processing & Distribution Facility (P&DF) located at 435 S Cascade Street, New Castle, PA  16101 into the Pittsburgh Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC). […]

Bill To Reverse Changes To FMLA Implemented In Bush Adminstration Introduced

APWU News FMLA Restoration Act Introduced A bill intended to reverse changes to the Family and Medical Leave Act regulations that were implemented just before President Obama took office has been introduced in the U.S. House. The FMLA Restoration Act, introduced on April 29 by Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH), would “nullify certain regulations promulgated under the […]

Postal Service Ends Second Quarter with $1.9 Billion Loss

Year-End Cash Shortfall Possible Despite Aggressive Cost Reductions; Mail Incentive Programs Introduced to Offset Unprecedented Volume Declines The U.S. Postal Service ended its second quarter (Jan 1 – March 31) with a net loss of $1.9 billion, as the economic recession and longer-term financial pressures, such as the diversion of letter mail to electronic alternatives, […]

Updated: DOL Policy on FMLA Notice and Call-In Procedures

 From PostalReporter reader The Dept of Labor has issued a new FMLA Opinion Letter titled, “Employee Notice and Call-In Procedures,” that rescinds previous policy.  Basically, it says that the employer’s usual and customary notice requirements for leave can be enforced in most cases of FMLA absences.  The burden of proof that it wasn’t “practicable” to […]

Letter Carriers President William Young Announces Pending Retirement

From National Association of Letter Carriers Bulletin NALC President William H. Young surprised many in attendance by announcing that he plans to retire soon – probably before the end of the year – at which time under the Constitution he will turn the reins of the union over to Executive Vice President Fred Rolando. “I […]