Postal Regulatory Commission Sends Bank of America NSA to Postal Governors

Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) Press Release :   The Postal Regulatory Commission today issued its Opinion enabling the Governors of the U.S. Postal Service to provide a final review of the proposed Negotiated Service Agreement between the Postal Service and the Bank of America Corporation (Docket No. MC2007-1). “While the Commission found the agreement in compliance […]

Veterans Preference and the U.S. Postal Service

 The following link is to a Memorandum sent to an House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform by the Congressional Research Service regarding veterans preference. The memorandum is in response to House Committee’s request for information on veterans preference and the U.S. Postal Service. source: Troy Rorman, APWU National Business Agent, Maintenance Division. Veterans Preference and […]

USPS Cuts $8 Million from $20 million ‘Kelly Girl’ Arbitration Settlement

From reader: “[APWU] National Business Agent Steve Zamanakos submitted those employees identified by the Union to be included in this monetary settlement to the U.S.P.S. area representative. The U.S.P.S. omitted approximately 50% of the names submitted reducing the award to $11,892,000.00 from the $19,717,431.00 original award. This is another attempt by the Postal Service […]

Supreme Court to Hear Postal Worker’s Retaliation Case

Myrna Gómez-Pérez, a window distribution clerk from Puerto Rico, filed a lawsuit in District Court claiming that the U.S. Postal Service retaliated against her because she filed an equal employment opportunity complaint with her employer alleging discrimination on the basis of age. The District Court ruled in favor of USPS holding that “the United States had not […]