USPS Cuts $8 Million from $20 million ‘Kelly Girl’ Arbitration Settlement

From reader:

“[APWU] National Business Agent Steve Zamanakos submitted those employees identified by the Union to be included in this monetary settlement to the U.S.P.S. area representative. The U.S.P.S. omitted approximately 50% of the names submitted reducing the award to $11,892,000.00 from the $19,717,431.00 original award. This is another attempt by the Postal Service not to give our bargaining unit employees what they deserve. Steve Zamanakos is taking this back in front of the arbitrator at the end of November.” 

Arbitrator Henderson ruled the Employer violated the Collective Bargaining Agreement when it hired over 200 “Kelly Girl” employees to work at the Phoenix Telephone Center in April 1996. The Center remained open for just over 3 years. The APWU argued the Telephone Center should have been staffed by Level 6 Phoenix Clerks. The arbitrator agreed with the Union and awarded  $19,717,431.00 plus $128,142.74 in lost union dues.  Payout not to exceed $9,694 will be made individually to 2,034 Clerks.